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isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) ? true : false;
NS4 = (document.layers) ? true : false;
IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false;
IE4plus = (document.all) ? true : false;
IE4 = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4.")!=-1)) ? true : false;
IE5 = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.")!=-1)) ? true : false;
ver4 = (NS4 || IE4plus) ? true : false;

// Generic Layer Object Functions

// Make an object visible
function showObject(obj)
        if (NS4) obj.visibility = "show";
        else if (IE4plus) obj.visibility = "visible";

// Hides an object
function hideObject(obj)
        if (NS4) obj.visibility = "hide";
        else if (IE4plus) obj.visibility = "hidden";

// Move a layer
function moveTo(obj,xL,yL)
        obj.left = xL;
        obj.top = yL;

// MouseTip Methods

function MouseTip_ShowNew()

function MouseTip_Hide()
 if ( (NS4) || (IE4plus) )
  this.snow = 0;

function MouseTip_Show()
 if ( (NS4) || (IE4plus) )
  if (this.snow == 0)  
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   if (this.dir == 2)
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   if (this.dir == 1)
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   if (this.dir == 0)
   { // Left
   this.snow = 1;

// Writes to a layer
function MouseTip_WriteLayer()
        if (NS4)
                var lyr = eval(MouseTip.divPath).document;
        else if (IE4plus)
   document.all["overDiv"].innerHTML = this.txt;

function MouseTip_AddTip(type, tipTitle, tipText)
 var tip = new Object();
 tip.type = type;
 tip.title = tipTitle;
 tip.text = tipText;
 MouseTip.tips[MouseTip.tips.length] = tip;

function MouseTip_GetTip(type)
 var tip = null;
 for (i=0; i < MouseTip.tips.length; i++)
  if (MouseTip.tips[i].type==type)
   tip = MouseTip.tips[i];
 return tip;

function MouseTip(type,dir,x,y)
 this.x = x;
 this.y = y;
 this.snow = 0;
 this.dir = dir;
 this.over = null;
 this.ShowNew = MouseTip_ShowNew;
 this.Hide = MouseTip_Hide;
 this.Show = MouseTip_Show;
 this.WriteLayer = MouseTip_WriteLayer;

 if ( (NS4) || (IE4plus) )
  if (NS4) this.over = eval(MouseTip.divPath);
  if (IE4plus) this.over = document.all["overDiv"].style;

 var tip = MouseTip.GetTip(type);
 this.txt = '<TABLE WIDTH=' + MouseTip.width + ' BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=' + MouseTip.borderWidth +
  ' CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="pink"><TD>' +  tip.text + '</TD></TABLE>';

MouseTip.current = null;
MouseTip.tips = new Array();
MouseTip.bgColor = "#CC0000";
MouseTip.borderColor = "#42316B";
MouseTip.width = 200
MouseTip.borderWidth = 1;
MouseTip.offsetX = 10;
MouseTip.offsetY = 0;
MouseTip.divPath = "document.overDiv";

MouseTip.AddTip = MouseTip_AddTip;
MouseTip.GetTip = MouseTip_GetTip;

function ShowMouseTip(obj,e,type, pos)
 if ( (NS4) || (IE4plus) )
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  if (IE4plus) {x=e.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft; y=e.clientY+document.body.scrollTop;}

  MouseTip.current = new MouseTip(type,pos,x,y);

function HideMouseTip()
 if ( (NS4) || (IE4plus) )
  if (MouseTip.current)
<script language="javascript" src="js/tips.js" >

MouseTip.AddTip("MenuLogOut", "", "<%=bundle1.getProperty("top_logout")%>");
MouseTip.AddTip("MenuContact", "", "<%=bundle1.getProperty("top_contact")%>");
MouseTip.AddTip("MenuHelp", "", "<%=bundle1.getProperty("top_help")%>");
MouseTip.AddTip("MenuMyProfile", "", "<%=bundle1.getProperty("top_profile")%>");
MouseTip.AddTip("Menuhk", "", "<%=bundle1.getProperty("top_homepage")%>");

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 <a href="contact.jsp" target="text" onMouseOver="ShowMouseTip(this, event, 'MenuContact', 3)" onMouseOut="HideMouseTip()">
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  <img width="32" height="32" src="images/help.png" border="0"  ></a>
 <a href="javascript:top.window.close()" target="_top" onMouseOver="ShowMouseTip(this, event, 'MenuLogOut', 3)" onMouseOut="HideMouseTip()">
  <img width="32" height="32" src="images/logout.png" border="0"></a>
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