

Looking for a new job is a daunting task. There are so many things to consider when trying to find the perfect role - location, company, job responsibilities, pay and compensation, training and much more.

找一份新工作是艰巨的任务。 试图找到理想的职位时,有很多事情要考虑-位置,公司,工作职责,薪酬和报酬,培训等等。

When you finally find the perfect job you want to make sure that you maximise your chances of getting an offer. Here are some resources for checking your JavaScript, Node.js, React and Redux knowledge that I’m confident would help you ace your JavaScript interview.

当您最终找到理想的工作时,您想确保获得报价的最大机会。 这里有一些资源可以用来检查您JavaScript,Node.js,React和Redux知识,我相信这些知识将帮助您获得JavaScript面试的机会。

37个基本JavaScript面试问题 (37 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions)

This is one of my favourite resources for practicing JavaScript questions. I really like it because the answers are hidden by default, giving you a chance to go through and test yourself before viewing any of the answers.

这是我最喜欢JavaScript问题练习资源。 我真的很喜欢它,因为默认情况下答案是隐藏的,使您有机会在查看任何答案之前进行自我测试。

It tests everything from definitions to ‘what does this code produce’ to ‘write a function that does this’. It’s great for everyone, no matter whether you’re a front end, back end or full stack developer.

它测试从定义到“此代码产生了什么”的所有内容,以“编写执行此操作的函数”。 无论您是前端,后端还是全栈开发人员,这对每个人都非常有用。

准备今年的前50个React面试问题 (Top 50 React Interview Questions To Prepare For This Year)

This site is great for a mix of React and Redux questions. It has a really good explanation of the virtual DOM and covers the differences between React and Angular, and React component life cycles. The Redux section has questions testing your knowledge on the whole process.

这个站点非常适合混合React和Redux问题。 它很好地解释了虚拟DOM,并涵盖了React和Angular之间的差异以及React组件的生命周期。 Redux部分中的问题会测试您在整个过程中的知识。

Node.js面试问答 (Node.js Interview Questions and Answers)

RisingStack is a great website for Node.js developers, whether you have a job or are just applying. This article has 10 questions about async coding, testing and general Node.js practices. It lists each of the questions at the start to give you a chance to answer for yourself before seeing the answers.

无论您有工作还是正在申请,RisingStack对于Node.js开发人员都是一个不错的网站。 本文有10个有关异步编码,测试和一般Node.js常规的问题。 它在开始时列出了每个问题,使您有机会在看到答案之前自行回答。

8个基本的Node.js面试问题 (8 Essential Node.js Interview Questions)

This is another set of questions from Toptal, so it has a nice drop down answer functionality. Some of the questions are similar to other articles but there are a few really good, unique questions. I definitely learnt a few new things from reading the answers.

这是Toptal的另一组问题,因此具有不错的下拉答案功能。 有些问题与其他文章相似,但是有一些非常好的独特问题。 通过阅读答案,我肯定学到了一些新东西。

21个JavaScript面试基本问题 (21 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions)

This site has a good list of JavaScript interview questions with questions that I hadn’t found on any of the other sites. Some of them are more obscure but I could definitely imagine them being asked in a technical interview if they were trying to catch you out.

这个站点上有很多关于JavaScript面试问题的列表,这些问题是我在其他任何站点上都找不到的。 它们中的一些模糊不清,但是我绝对可以想象他们会在技术面试中被问及是否试图吸引您。

你不懂JS-凯尔·辛普森(Kyle Simpson) (You Don’t Know JS - Kyle Simpson)

This one is different from the rest. It’s not a list of questions but a book series. I’ve added this to the list because it’s all good being able to rope learn some definitions and questions, it’s another to truly understand what’s happening.

这与其他人不同。 它不是问题列表,而是丛书。 我将其添加到列表中是因为能够学习一些定义和问题是一件很不错的事,真正了解正在发生的事情是另一回事。

This book series has taught me more about JavaScript than any other single resource. There are 6 books in the series and they become progressively more complex. When you understand closures, callbacks or promises, any interview question on it becomes simple, whether finding a bug, giving a description or just discussing with the interviewer.

这本书系列教会了我更多关于JavaScript的知识,而不是其他任何单一资源。 该系列中有6本书,并且它们变得越来越复杂。 当您了解闭包,回调或承诺时,关于它的任何面试问题都变得很简单,无论是查找错误,提供描述还是与面试官讨论。

This will be extra useful as it will aid you in you new job, not just the interview process. It is also free to read online as well as available in paper copy.

这将特别有用,因为它将帮助您从事新工作,而不仅仅是面试过程。 它也可以免费在线阅读以及以纸质形式提供。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/5-top-sites-for-javascript-interview-preparation-71b48e9a6c8a/



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