
Bullet 物理引擎 详细分析 Dbvt (4)

光线与AABB 相交检测:
这是一个非常经典的问题, <<real time collision detection>> 5.33章节有非常详尽的讨论。

   t是可变参数, P是光线的起始点 RayFrom, d是光线的方向向量





对于AABB来说是六个平面, 每个面的法向量为(0,0,1)(0,1,0) ..... 总之三个坐标有两个是0,另外的一个是1或者-1
AABB同时是3个平面槽的交集, 光线与AABB最多有2个相交点,一个是前景点,一个后景点,分别与两个平面相交。

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SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool btRayAabb2(const btVector3& rayFrom,  // point P  
const btVector3& rayInvDirection,  // Direction Vector inverse  
const unsigned int raySign[3],  
const btVector3 bounds[2],    // min x, max x AABB volume  
btScalar& tmin,  
btScalar lambda_min,  
btScalar lambda_max)  
btScalar tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;  
// get the far plane intersect param t along x axis  
tmax = (bounds[1-raySign[0]].getX() - rayFrom.getX()) * rayInvDirection.getX();  
// get the near plane intersect param t along y axis  
tymin = (bounds[raySign[1]].getY() - rayFrom.getY()) * rayInvDirection.getY();  
// get the far plane intersect param t along y axis  
tymax = (bounds[1-raySign[1]].getY() - rayFrom.getY()) * rayInvDirection.getY();  
// if it is not intersect with any plane then exit  
if ( (tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax) )  
return false;  
if (tymin > tmin)  
tmin = tymin;  // update the tmin  
if (tymax < tmax)  
tmax = tymax; // update tmax  
// get the near plane intersect param t along Z axis  
tzmin = (bounds[raySign[2]].getZ() - rayFrom.getZ()) * rayInvDirection.getZ();  
// get the far plane intersect param t along Z axis  
tzmax = (bounds[1-raySign[2]].getZ() - rayFrom.getZ()) * rayInvDirection.getZ();  
// if it is not intersect with any plane then exit  
if ( (tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax) )  
return false;  
// caculate the interval  
if (tzmin > tmin)  
tmin = tzmin;   // if find nearer point update tmin  
if (tzmax < tmax)  
tmax = tzmax;   // if found the farer point update tmax  
return ( (tmin < lambda_max) && (tmax > lambda_min) );  

SIMD_FORCE_INLINE bool btRayAabb2(const btVector3& rayFrom,  // point P
const btVector3& rayInvDirection,  // Direction Vector inverse
const unsigned int raySign[3],
const btVector3 bounds[2],    // min x, max x AABB volume
btScalar& tmin,
btScalar lambda_min,
btScalar lambda_max)
btScalar tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;
// get the far plane intersect param t along x axis
tmax = (bounds[1-raySign[0]].getX() - rayFrom.getX()) * rayInvDirection.getX();
// get the near plane intersect param t along y axis
tymin = (bounds[raySign[1]].getY() - rayFrom.getY()) * rayInvDirection.getY();
// get the far plane intersect param t along y axis
tymax = (bounds[1-raySign[1]].getY() - rayFrom.getY()) * rayInvDirection.getY();
// if it is not intersect with any plane then exit
if ( (tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax) )
return false;
if (tymin > tmin)
tmin = tymin;  // update the tmin
if (tymax < tmax)
tmax = tymax; // update tmax
// get the near plane intersect param t along Z axis
tzmin = (bounds[raySign[2]].getZ() - rayFrom.getZ()) * rayInvDirection.getZ();
// get the far plane intersect param t along Z axis
tzmax = (bounds[1-raySign[2]].getZ() - rayFrom.getZ()) * rayInvDirection.getZ();
// if it is not intersect with any plane then exit
if ( (tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax) )
return false;
// caculate the interval
if (tzmin > tmin)
tmin = tzmin;   // if find nearer point update tmin
if (tzmax < tmax)
tmax = tzmax;   // if found the farer point update tmax
return ( (tmin < lambda_max) && (tmax > lambda_min) );

现在可以讨论ayTestInternal 函数, 这个函数基本的算法就是遍历所有的节点(基于栈)

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//pop out the top of stack  
const btDbvtNode* node=stack[--depth];  
//set up the AABB BOX  
bounds[0] = node->volume.Mins()-aabbMax;  
bounds[1] = node->volume.Maxs()-aabbMin;  
btScalar tmin=1.f,lambda_min=0.f;  
unsigned int result1=false;  
// Do the intersect tes t!!  
result1 = btRayAabb2(rayFrom,rayDirectionInverse,  
//if test pass  
{ //if node is intertal  
if(depth>treshold) //dynamic expand stack  
//push the left child into stack  
//push the right child into stack  
//if node is leaf node,then process it by callback  
} while(depth); 




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